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DAS - IB GmbH Deutsche Version

LFG - & Biogas -Technologie

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older years: 2015 / 16 | 2013 / 14 | 2011 / 12 | 2009 / 10 | 2007 / 08 | 2006 & older |

counter:in the corona years 2020, 2021, 2022 ....:

Dear Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovi Putin / Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin and forther more decisions makers: "NJET WOINOI - MIR on our whole earth. Freedom and justice, fairness for: Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden, Alexei Anatoljewitsch Nawalny (too late Febr. 2024), Julian Paul Assange (free June 2024), ... Wars are actual in Yemen, Mali, Syria, Libya, Myanmar, Somalia, Congo, Sahelzone, Palestina, Israel, Ethiopia, Turkey / northern Iraq, Azerbaijan / Armenia, Ukraine, .....Give Peace a Chance Songtext Two, one-two-three-four! Evrybody's talking about Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m All we are saying is give peace a chance All we are saying is give peace a chance Hit it C'mon, ev'rybodys talking about Ministers, sinisters, banisters and canisters Bishops and Fishops and Rabbis and Popeyes and bye-bye, bye-byes All we are saying is give peace a chance All we are saying is give peace a chance Let me tell you now Evrybody's talking about Revolution, evolution, masturbation, flagellation, regulation, integrations Meditations, United Nations, congratulations All we are saying is give peace a chance All we are saying is give peace a chance Ev'rybodys talking 'bout John and Yoko, Timmy Leary, Rosemary, Tommy Smothers, Bobby Dylan, Tommy Cooper Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer, Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna, Hare, Hare Krishna All we are saying is give peace a chance All we are saying is give peace a chance" With best regards from me and Mr. John Lennon and further more. "Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today I... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace You... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world You... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one NJET WOINOI By the way: What are you doing .. to ensure a orderly and peaceful community life on our earth?

freedom & liberty for Mr Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden, Alexei Anatoljewitsch Nawalny (too late Febr. 2024), Julian Paul Assange (free June 2024), ...

2023 / 2024: 1.2 MWel and 1.6 MW th gas engines at Cröbern landfil site (ZDC): Our job: tender documents, placing the contract with our client WEV (1 Jenbacher and 1 MAN enigines plus heat storgae unit - tripple fuel: LFG, H2 and natural gas) supervision until commissing, test phase and acceptance of construction works.

2022 / 2023: 2.4 MWel and 3.6 MW th gas engines at Ihlenberg landfil site: Our job: tender documents, placing the contract with our client IAG (3 Jenbacher enigines plus gas burner - tripple fuel over a gas holder: LFG, H2 and natural gas) supervision until commissing, test phase and acceptance of construction works.

CORONA / COVID & Co: We still have GERMAN - ANGST ... until April 2023 (!) thank you Mr Lauterbach & RKI & Co (press and polticans)..... stay at home ... use every 3 months your vaczine / Vakzine ... don't be human - everyone must be 100 years and older ... and nobody (political decisionmakers) in Germany can handel the"validity or proportionality and principles of operations"

From Sommer (June) 2022 until min. Sommer 2023 we do make test ( "segregation" / separation of gases and permeation rate) at gas holders made of membrane systems. We use Biogas (methane CH4 and carbon dioxid CO2) plus gaseous hydrogen H2. Some photos below:

From September 2022 on with hydrogen H2 in Biogas - (methane CH4 and carbon dioxid CO2):

Start June 2022:

from March 2020 on our forign activitis (visites on site etc.) stopped .. becauce of the c-hype ... what is adequate, reasonable, moderate - justable?

Nov. 25th to 27th DAS - IB at Kazokiskes Landfill near to Vilnius. Optimzing of the gas extraction system. Client: MODUS Group

Oct. 9th2019. The easy entrance of DAS - IB at Konrad - Zuse - Ring 12: An old LFG Flare:

The old flare can be used for traing, education and scholling. At the moment: Litfaßsäule

17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposiom: Sept. 30th - Oct. 4th 2019

Sept. / Oct 2019

"33 years experience of LFG extraction from theoretically gas prognoses to realistic gas extraction systems with LFG2E-Energy by CHP units and flares" author Wolfgang H. Stachowitz

17th Intern. Waste Management and Landfill
Symposium Sardinia 2017, Sept. 30th - Oct. 4th

ppt - file will follow of the presentation

* text / book -presentation in word as pdf-file 2,414

pdf-file of the ppt presentaion 3,090 kB click the photo


July 9th to 13rd - Visit Landfill Gatchina Novy Svet Russia - upgrade of the gas extraction system (construction, operation, schooling & training of operators and engineurs

Photos of our International Landfill gas (LFG) conference and exhibition

Programe of our international LFG (Landfill gas) conference with exhibition April 17th and 18th in Chemnitz, Germany - click the Flyer 263 kB click

Our exhibiter approx. . 60 Participations from 6 different Nations - we will have a translation from German into Russian language.

Happy new year with fire and explosion tests and experimention on our new own technical domicile


Dec. 11th induction / dedication of our new technical domicile:


Removal of DAS - IB in a new own office, KZR 12, 24220 Flintbek by Kiel - Nov 3rd 2017

SARDINIA waste & landfill Oct. 2017

Oct 2017

"LFG Landfill gas projects in between Old Europe (Germany) and Old Eastern Bloc " by Wolfgang H. Stachowitz

16th Intern. Waste Management and Landfill
Symposium Sardinia 2017, Oct. 2nd - Oct. 6th

word and ppt - file will follow of the presentation

* text / book -presentation in words as pdf-file 730 kB * ppt-presentation as pdf-file 2,890 kB

Oct 2017

"LFG - Landfill gas projects in Germany due to the national Climate Initiative (NKI / PtJ) by the German government" by Wolfgang H. Stachowitz

16th Intern. Waste Management and Landfill
Symposium Sardinia 2017, Oct. 2nd - Oct. 6th


word and ppt - file will follow of the presentation

* text / book -presentation in words as pdf-file 1,785 kB

* ppt-presentation as pdf-file 3,800 kB

August 2017

Saftey Trainig & schooling LFG - and Biogassystems esp. for workers and service stuff

PETERS mixer / Maschinenbau Peters

B - 4700 Eupen

July 2017 - take care about S.A. WATERLEAU GROUP N.V., Belgium 3150 Wespelaar (Leuven) esp. Mr Joni Ceuppens. He sent orders, made emtpy promises at the end of a small project in Hungary - but he never pay 1 ct on invoice!!

June 2017 - Signing a contract with VIREO Belarus for consulting in LFG - Projects: Grodna Belarus about Landfill site inspection and calculation of LFG production

with Dmitry Moiseev Vireo Energy (Belarus), Minsk, 220007